SALEM FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Salem, SC Version 1.0, 18-Apr-2002, C177a.TXT, C177 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 LOCATION: --------- Find intersection of highways 183 and 130. Drive north on highway 130 for 7.9 miles. Turn left on Creswood Road and drive for 0.1 miles. -or- Find intersection of highways 130 and 11. Drive south on highway 130 for 1.3 miles. Turn right on Creswood Road and drive for 0.1 miles. HISTORY: -------- One Hundred and Fifty Years Old and Growing. The United Baptist Church of Christ at Salem met for the first time to worship our Father God on November 16, 1844, and sitting in conference, opened the doors of the church for reception of those making commitments to Christ and seeking membership. Elizabeth Bain and William Kelley related an experience and were received. This was our beginning. An arm of the Cheohee Baptist Church helped with our organization. The preamble and by-laws were drawn up and adopted in the summer of 1845. One of the early actions of the church was to send a group to help constitute a church at the Cheohee Muster Ground on October 18, 1845, which was in preparation for the coming Civil War. Many individuals have come and gone, and we continue to be blessed by each one who has passed our way during these many years. Several churches in our area requested help in their establishment. Many have been ordained or licensed and served Jesus as a result of our body of believers. Many have served the church well as pastor, deacon, teacher, missions leader, worker, etc. Each has blessed us here and we pray we, The Church, have blessed them too. The following ministers have served our body: J. Chandler, W. Morton, L. Findley, John Owens, Steven Powell, D. Hudson, L.R.L. Flemmings, Elder D. Hudson, John Ariel, W.W. Reid, Jonathan King, Elder C. Roper, J.B. Colley, Daniel Littleton, W.M. Walker, J.H. Clark, R.W. Kelley, C.R. Abercrombie, R.F. Jones, Elijah Littleton, J.E. Burt, A.C. Harrison, Wade Nicholson, A.L. Sanders, Rufus Mitchell, O.F. Owens, R.W. McKinney, M.B. Alexander, J.M. Haulbrooks, Roy Murphree, Vergil Merck, E.T. McLane, Robert Harden, Roy Littleton, C.E. Taylor, Donald L. Vaughn, Roy Spearman, and Donald L. Vaughn. Thirty-two persons made professions of faith during revival in October 1994, while Evangelist Paul Flemming was here with 22 of them baptized into our church. This is where we are today. 11 Chronicles 7:14 says, "If My people which are calling by My name, shall humble themselves and pray and turn their wicked ways and seek My face, then will I hear from heaven and will heal their land". Our Salem Baptist Family took God at His promise; we see what He has done and is doing and continue to praise His holy name. Our Hundred and Fifty Year Old and Growing is real to us here in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost! "To God Be all Glory - and all of God's people at Salem Baptist said 'Amen'!" Submitted by: Donald L. Vaughn, Pastor, P.O. Box 89, Salem, SC 29676. DATAFILE INPUT . : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Oct-2000 Linda Flynn at (visit above website) in Apr-2002 HISTORY WRITE-UP : Donald L. Vaughn, Pastor TRANSCRIPTION .. : Paul M. Kankula at (visit above website) in Oct-2000 TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: -------------------- a. = age at death b. = date of birth d. = date of death h. = husband p. = parents w. = wife NOTE: ----- (120) unmarked or unreadable grave markers. ABERCROMBIE, Dora M. Garrett, b. 20-nov-1877, d. 1-apr-1928, h. c.r. abercrombie ALBERTSON, G.G., b. 6-jun-1836, d. 11-feb-1906, h. j.d. albertson ALEXANDER, Bessie Sloan, b. 9-apr-1896, d. 16-mar-1971, h. c.h. alexander ALEXANDER, Christine, b. 7-nov-1913, d. 23-feb-1914, p. chris & bessie alexander ALEXANDER, Christopher Earl, b. 28-dec-1891, d. 23-aug-1936, w. bessie alexander ALEXANDER, Ralph W., b. 5-jan-1926, d. 1-oct-1948 BARKER, Mary E., b. 27-aug-1831, d. 5-aug-1888, h. joshua barker BENTLEY, J.A., 1833 BRYANT, Homer E., b. 29-jan-1892, d. 11-oct-1918 BRYANT, Sarah E. Sheriff, b. 27-oct-1858, h. w.h. bryant BRYANT, William H., b. 4-mar-1856, d. 26-jul-1924, w. s.e. bryant BURGESS, James B., b. 26-jan-1844, d. 16-jan-1925 BURGESS, Lou Elizabeth Fisher, b. 3-nov-1846, d. 12-jan-1929, h. james burgress BURGESS, Warren C.G., b. 26-apr-1888, d. 31-mar-1912, p. j.b. & lous burgess CHAPMAN, Della, b. 1-oct-1908, d. 18-jul-1909, p. freeman & sallie chapman CHAPMAN, E.C., b. 20-may-1832, d. 18-apr-1916, w. margurer chapman CHAPMAN, Infant, b. 17-jun-1907, d. 19-jun-1907, p. freeman & sallie chapman CHAPMAN, Marguret, b. 2-jul-1838, d. 25-sep-1906, h. e.c. chapman CHAPMAN, Salie, d. 11-jun-1891, a. 9y CHAPMAN, Willie B., b. 20-mar-1896, d. 24-may-1897, p. b.p. & j.t. champan CHAPPELL, D.L., b. 4-jan-1913, d. 31-jan-1913, p. w.v. & c.a. chappell CHAPPELL, Waitsville, b. 4-oct-1891, d. 26-dec-1919 CHASTAIN, Elizabeth G., b. 4-feb-1874, d. 6-nov-1947, h. j.l. chastain CHASTAIN, John L., b. 28-may-1868, d. 21-oct-1952, w. e.g. chastain CHASTAIN, Pearl, b. 25-oct-1898, d. 20-aug-1981 CHILDRESS, Baldy Seagie, b. 1865, d. 1927, w. m.j. childress CHILDRESS, Berry S., b. 1897, d. 1933 CHILDRESS, Della Moss, b. 1905, d. 1948, h. berry childress CHILDRESS, Howard Douglas, b. 6-nov-1927, d. 7-jun-1929 CHILDRESS, Matilda Jane, b. 1877, d. 1952, h. baldy childress CHILDRESS, Oscar Eugene, b. 1903, d. 1903 CHILDRESS, Tommie Lincoln, b. 1913, d. 1918 COBB, Douglas Robert, b. 9-dec-1946, d. 4-jun-1969 COLLINS, Elwyn Shelton, b. 15-sep-1948 COLLINS, George O., b. 5-oct-1897, d. 7-sep-1964 COLLINS, Glenda C., b. 10-may-1948, h. rufus collins COLLINS, Homer R., b. 28-aug-1920, d. 15-feb-1987, w. j.t. collins COLLINS, J.M. (MD), b. 14-feb-1844, d. 13-apr-1919 COLLINS, Jeleta T., b. 15-sep-1918, d. 7-oct-1986 COLLINS, John Ervin, b. 19-jul-1888, d. 22-sep-1943, w. r.l. collins COLLINS, Lettie Alexander, b. 26-aug-1851, d. 8-may-1933 COLLINS, Minnie S., b. 15-sep-1900, d. 25-feb-1950 COLLINS, Paul T., b. 22-mar-1948, d. 18-oct-1994, w. elwyn collins COLLINS, Rosa Lee, b. 23-jul-1883, d. 21-nov-1954, h. j.e. collins COLLINS, Rufus H., b. 15-jan-1943, d. 25-dec-1972 CRENSHAW, Frances L., b. 12-oct-1937 CRENSHAW, John D., 10-mar-1933, d. 18-aug-1979 CROW, Burley Dover, b. 4-aug-1936, d. 14-sep-1936 CROW, Earlie Grover, b. 4-aug-1936, d. 17-sep-1936 CROW, Emily A. Lusk, b. 25-apr-1852, d. 2-feb-1925, h. w.r. crow CROW, L.A., b. 23-apr-1876, d. 31-oct-1880 CROW, Miney R., b. 14-oct-1887, d. 24-jan-1888, p. w.r. & e.a. crow CROW, Samuel L., b. 20-mar-1885, d. 20-mar-1885, p. w.r. & e.a. crow CROW, William R., b. 10-may-1847, d. 31-dec-1924, w. e.a. crow DAVIS, Emily M. Perry, b. 30-nov-1819, d. 23-jan-1861, h. thomas davis EDNEY, John, b. 16-jun-1864, d. 19-mar-1900 EDNEY, Susan C., b. 1880, d. 1934, h. thomas edney EDNEY, Thomas J., b. 1872, d. 1943, w. s.c. edney FOX, George W., b. 1870, d. 1908 FOX, George, b. 1908, d. 1910 FOX, Mlindy O., b. 1876, d. 1910, h. george fox FOX, Robert, b. 1908, d. 1912 GARRETT, Leonard J. (Jr), b. 5-aug-1933, d. 17-feb-1981 GOLLEY, Elizabeth, b. 24-jan-1834, d. 5-mar-1913 GOLLEY, J.B. (Rev), b. 18-feb-1845, d. 12-nov-1908, w. elizabeth golley GREEN, Addie Grogan, b. 19-mar-1885, d. 4-dec-1953, h. preston green GREEN, Belle W., b. 12-jun-1899, d. 19-jul-1992, h. kuhtman green GREEN, Clyde G., b. 25-oct-1912, d. 17-jan-1992, w. g.d. green GREEN, Geneva W., b. 24-apr-1935, h. k.z. green GREEN, Gladys D., b. 5-dec-1906, d. 24-feb-1999 GREEN, K.Z., b. 17-may-1927, d. 13-sep-1968 GREEN, Kuhtman Z., b. 17-jun-1883, d. 22-sep-1952, w. b.w. green GREEN, Preston Lane, b. 25-sep-1880, d. 16-sep-1943, w. addie green GREEN, Ralph E., b. 30-nov-1943, d. 10-oct-1971 GUINN, David, child GUINN, Linda A., b. 20-mar-1863, d. 2-aug-1913, h. willis guinn GUINN, Willis B., b. 6-jan-1864, d. 21-jan-1914, w. l.a. guinn HEAD, Salley C., b. 17-sep-1853, h. w.d. head HEAD, W.D., b. 13-mar-1854, d. 8-oct-1921, w. salley head HEATON, Edward, b. 17-jun-1902, d. 23-jun-1962, w. m.o. heaton HEATON, Grace, b. 19-aug-1907, d. 5-jul-1911, p. a.j. & l. heaton HEATON, M. Odessa Wood, b. 17-mar-1899, d. 20-may-1999 HOLDEN, C.O. (Rev), b. 16-nov-1908, d. 15-nov-1983, w. p.m. holden HOLDEN, Pearle M., b. 8-sep-1908, d. 29-sep-1985 HOPKINS, Della, d. 4-jun-189? HUDSON, Joseph B., b. 8-oct-1881, d. 1-jun-1906 HUDSON, Rosa R., b. 9-oct-1886, d. 1-jun-1906, h. joseph hudson HUNTER, Robert James, b. 17-jun-1991, d. 17-jun-1991 HUNTER, Winnie N., b. 10-nov-1879, d. 11-jan-1920 KELLEY, Margueritta W., b. 1925, d. 1949 KELLEY, Sudie KELLY, Jack LITTLETON, Bethany, b. 8-jan-1837, d. 28-mar-1916, h. daniel littleton LITTLETON, Clara L., 31-oct-1881, d. 30-aug-1964, h. w.l. littleton LITTLETON, Daniel (Rev), b. 18-aug-1837, d. 17-may-1911, w. bethany littleton LITTLETON, Dora C., b. 1879, d. 1940, h. elijah littleton LITTLETON, Elijah (Rev), b. 1870, d. 1936, w. d.c. littleton LITTLETON, Infant Daughter, p. t.m. & w. littleton LITTLETON, Infant Son, p. t.m. & w. littleton LITTLETON, Infant Son, p. t.m. & w. littleton LITTLETON, J.F. LITTLETON, Jeremy Michael, b. 20-jun-1978, d. 22-aug-1999 LITTLETON, Mary, b. 16-dec-1903, d. 24-apr-1917, p. w.l. & c.h. littleton LITTLETON, Mike C., b. 1952 LITTLETON, Myrtle, b. 27-jul-1897, d. 26-feb-1922 LITTLETON, Rosemary O., b. 1956 LITTLETON, Sarah W., b. 16-jul-1877, d. 30-mar-1969, h. t.m. LITTLETON, Thomas Harley, b. 20-feb-1910, d. 7-dec-1974 LITTLETON, Thomas M., b. 6-apr-1873, d. 10-jan-1940, w. s.w. littleton LITTLETON, William C., b. 13-may-1895, d. 3-aug-1918 LITTLETON, William L., b. 26-mar-1870, d. 4-jan-1956, w. c.l. littleton LUSK, Clarence Leroy, b. 12-may-1906, d. 14-mar-1991 LUSK, Pauline S., b. 1910, d. 1939 LUSK, S.A., b. 29-apr-1829, d. 25-aug-1904, h. b.b. lusk LUSK, Shannon Carl, b. 21-mar-1973, d. 22-jun-1992 MANNON, Ray McCALL, James A., b. 3-may-1935, w. j.b. mccall McCALL, Jean B., b. 19-feb-1938 McENTIRE, Cora E., b. 7-may-1889, d. 18-oct-1918, h. g.l. mcentire McENTIRE, Viola, b. 1-apr-1911, d. 18-apr-1912, p. g.l. & cora mcentire McGAHA, Annie H., b. 21-sep-1932 McGAHA, Jesse M., b. 6-feb-1920, d. 2-mar-1991, w. a.h. mcgaha MONROE, Dozier, b. 1918, d. 1920 MOSS, Carlyle A., b. 29-jul-1924, d. 17-jan-1941 MOSS, Dot Bryson, b. 1-jun-1899, d. 13-mar-1981 MOSS, Freddie, b. 18-nov-1896, d. 18-may-1897 MOSS, Joe, b. 8-sep-1865, d. 3-may-1895 MOSS, Joseph J., b. 26-feb-1905, d. 26-mar-1906 MOSS, Lucrey J., d. jun-1884 MOSS, M.E., d. 23-jan-1896, a. 34y MOSS, Mattie T. Littleton, b. 23-nov-1867, d. 28-mar-1923, h. miles moss MOSS, Miles A., b. 4-sep-1867, d. 9-mar-1947 MOSS, Phyllis F., b. 12-apr-1937, d. 28-nov-1960 MOSS, William D., b. 6-mar-1917, d. 12-mar-1917, p. w.d. & annie moss NICHOLSON, Ada Bryant, b. 16-mar-1916 NICHOLSON, Estelle Moss, b. 13-mar-1910, d. 9-feb-1990 NICHOLSON, J. Crawford, b. 12-dec-1902, d. 5-nov-1987, w. estelle nicholson NICHOLSON, Lynn, b. 2?-feb-1942, f. j.c. nicholson NICHOLSON, W. Plumer, b. 25-jan-1907, d. 26-feb-1989, w. ada nicholson NIX, Thomas M., b. 10-dec-1896, d. 6-oct-1918 O'SHIELDS, Celestep, b. 18-aug-1918, d. 3-feb-1991 O'SHIELDS, L. Christopher, b. 28-jul-1915, d. 16-aug-1974 OWENS, Ethel E., b. 8-dec-1900, d. 13-sep-1901 OWENS, Lula L., p. d.m. & e.a. owens OWENS, Martha J., b. 12-apr-1851, d. 14-feb-1936, h. thomas owens OWENS, Martha, b. 27-jun-1859, d. 6-apr-1891, f. d.m. owens OWENS, Mary E., d. 17-dec-1903, a. 38y OWENS, Stacy Ann, a. 16y 6m 25d, p. d.m. & m.a. owens OWENS, Thomas A., b. 6-jul-1852, d. 15-may-1929, w. m.j. owens PALMER, Dorothy A., b. 28-may-1913, d. 25-jul-1974 PIKE, Mamie Smith, b. 23-dec-1891, d. 9-nov-1918, h. r.m. pike POWELL, Elisha E., b. 17-mar-1919, d. 3-feb-1987, w. f.l. powell POWELL, Frances L., b. 24-jul-1931, d. 8-nov-1990 PRATHER, Agustus, b. 1878, d. 1946, w. catherine prather PRATHER, Catherine, b. 1880, d. 1955, h. agustus prather QUEEN, Margaret S., b. 13-jun-1924 QUEEN, W.T., b. 5-jan-1920, d. 4-may-1986, w. m.s. queen REID, David K., b. 4-feb-1958, d. 3-dec-1972 REID, Dora Etter REID, Runla, b. 1891 SHARKEY, Ruth C., b. 8-jan-1908, d. 1-aug-1969 SLOAN, Charlie M., b. 5-dec-1883, d. 22-oct-1953 SLOAN, Edith M., b. 30-jul-1912, d. 24-feb-1996 SLOAN, Eliza Moss, b. 1844, d. 10-jan-1924, h. thomas sloan SLOAN, Emma L. Moss, b. 15-jan-1881, d. 10-apr-1924, h. j.a. sloan SLOAN, J.A., b. 4-oct-1870, d. 18-feb-1962, w. e.l. sloan SLOAN, Jim S., b. 3-mar-1906, d. 24-nov-1967, w. e.m. sloan SLOAN, Johnie P., b. 26-dec-1904, d. 18-feb-1905 SLOAN, Ruby N., b. 1924, d. 1924 SLOAN, Thomas J., b. 18-sep-1832, d. 13-nov-1916, w. eliza sloan SLOAN, Tim S., b. 3-mar-1906, d. 24-nov-1967 SMITH, Charles J., b. 1924, d. 1980 SMITH, Dewey, b. 13-jun-1913, d. 29-aug-1913 SMITH, Elias L., b. 13-jun-1852, d. 28-jun-1930, w. mary smith SMITH, Estelle, b. 24-aug-1914, d. 25-oct-1919 SMITH, Fannie H., b. 6-dec-1893, d. 28-may-1975 SMITH, Fannie Moss, b. 1861, d. 1921 SMITH, Frank, b. 26-aug-1888, d. 29-apr-1975, w. l.m. smith SMITH, George, b. 2-aug-1924, d. 2-aug-1924, f. t.h. smith SMITH, Gladdis, b. 16-oct-1917, d. 26-oct-1917 SMITH, James W., b. 1876, d. 1943 SMITH, Johnnie W., b. 23-aug-1890, d. 19-jun-189?, p. j.l. & m.e. smith SMITH, Lena C., b. 27-sep-1909, d. 25-jun-1954 SMITH, Lula M., b. 30-nov-1890, d. 21-mar-1964, h. frank smith SMITH, Margie, b. 18-oct-1925, d. 4-may-1926, f. t.h. smith SMITH, Mary Patterson, b. 24-feb-1858, d. 5-aug-1940, h. elias smith SMITH, Minnie Ann, b. 26-aug-1904, d. may-1912 SMITH, Monroe L., b. 29-may-1887, d. 6-nov-1962 SMITH, Phillip, b. 25-nov-1895, d. 19-feb-1916, p. s.m. & f.s. smith SMITH, Sarah Malissa Sloan, b. 1-jan-1870, d. 4-jul-1942 SMITH, Steven M., b. 1856, d. 1927, w. fannie smith SMITH, T.H. (Jr), b. 17-dec-1935, d. 17-dec-1935, f. t.h. smith SMITH, Tommie, b. 30-apr-1897, d. 7-nov-1911 SMITH, William, b. 19-jun-1888, d. 9-may-1897, p. e.l. & m.m. smith SMITH, Willie, b. 28-feb-1900, d. 17-apr-1927 TOLLISON, Stringer L., b. 22-jan-1936, d. 22-jan-1936 TOW, Lessie, p. john & ida tow TUCKER, Horace E. (Jr), b. 22-jul-1942, d. 30-may-1956 TUCKER, Horace E., b. 26-oct-1914 TUCKER, Ina Naomi C., b. 14-jan-1920 TUCKER, James Franklin, b. 12-jul-1889, d. 23-jan-1960 VAUGHN, Donald L. (Rev), b. 23-sep-1939, w. m.g. Vaughn VAUGHN, Mildred G., b. 3-may-1938, d. 28-jul-1999 WHITEHEAD, Henry Hill, b. 4-nov-1870, d. 25-may-1943, w. mary whitehead WHITEHEAD, Henry, b. 11-nov-1911, d. 9-mar-1912, p. h.h. & mary whitehead WHITEHEAD, James H. WHITEHEAD, John, b. 26-dec-1902, d. 16-may-1921 WHITEHEAD, Mary Owens, b. 28-sep-1876, d. 28-nov-1952, h. h.h. whitehead WHITMIRE, Beverly, b. 9-aug-1943, d. 18-nov-1945, f. wade whitmire WHITMIRE, Wade Donovan, b. 18-jul-1918, d. 19-oct-1953 WHITTEN, Floyd W., b. 1890, d. 1944, w. m.m. whitten WHITTEN, Myrtle M., b. 1898, d. 1961, h. floyd whitten WILSON, Annah Littleton, b. 2-feb-1866, d. 14-aug-1954, h. judson wilson WILSON, Harret E., b. 25-aug-1838, d. 16-oct-1911 WILSON, Judson Joshua, b. 2-apr-1852, d. 19-jul-1897